HIBA PROJECT | Online tutorials facilitate the digitalization of the agricultural sector
Escrito por UCC+iThe UCO is participating in the European HIBA project, an initiative that will offer training and digital tools for crop management
Study offers clues to understanding the infection mechanisms of a lethal fungus affecting more than 100 crops
Escrito por UCC+iAn international study on Fusarium oxysporum, one of the most lethal fungi for crops, found, contrary to what had been thought to date, that the absence of a certain type of enzyme increases the rate of infection, although it decreases the pathogen's ability to spread, opening a door to new strategies to control its infection
FIREURISK PROJECT | A New Model Assesses the Economic Losses Inflicted by Forest Fires
Escrito por UCC+iThe UCO is participating in the European FirEUrisk project to develop tools to classify territories by their degree of vulnerability to fires
Resistance Induction, a Potential Strategy to Control Olive Verticilosis
Escrito por UCC+iA team at the UCO evaluates the effectiveness of two beneficial microorganisms and a fertilizer as a strategy to bolster the olive tree's natural defenses against Verticillium Wilt of olive (VWO), a disease that poses a serious threat to olive groves
FIREPOCTEP PROJECT | Methodology developed for improved forest fire management
Escrito por UCC+iThe European FIREPOCTEP project will make it possible to determine the degree of difficulty of extinguishing a fire in a given territory, and to predict the corresponding costs
The Variety of Olive Determines the Concentration of Antioxidants in its Pomace
Escrito por UCC+iThe University of Cordoba evaluatedthe phenols and other bioactive compounds from the extraction of olive oil pomace in 43 olive varieties for three consecutive years