A database unifies the information on damage to European forests over the last 60 years
Escrito por UCC+iThe University of Córdoba is participating in the creation of the first database that harmonizes the recording of disturbances caused by insects and diseases in forests in 8 European countries by combining remote sensing, satellite images and field data
Cover crops reduce carbon loss in the soil of Mediterranean olive groves by more than 75%
Escrito por UCC+iAfter a four-year study of Andalusia’s different olive growing regions, a University of Cordoba study concludes that the use of ground cover, in addition to reducing erosion and runoff, slows the loss of organic carbon in soil, outperforming tillage.
Controlled Fires Are Effective for Forest Management
Escrito por UCC+iA study by the University of Cordoba confirms that soil properties are only altered slightly, or even improved, in the short term after controlled burning
Spelt or common wheat? Their diversity of nutritional components prevents identification of one species as the healthiest
Escrito por UCC+iAfter comparing 90 varieties of spelt with 9 varieties of modern, common wheat, a study by the UCO concluded that the marked heterogeneity characterizing the nutritional compounds of the different varieties makes it impossible to state that one species is healthier than the other
A study analyzes the competition between species of the fungus that causes olive anthracnose
Escrito por UCCiAfter analyzing the relationships between the dominant species of Colletotrichum in Spain and Portugal, a study by the Department of Agronomy at the UCO suggests that pathogens, once established, are difficult to displace, even by other more competitive ones.
New strategy identified to curb a fungal infection affecting more than 150 crops
Escrito por UCC+iA scientific study uses genetic manipulation techniques to reduce the virulence of Fusarium oxysporum, one of the most important pathogens in the world, inflicting millions of dollars in agricultural losses.