Faster and more sensitive: the new system to detect cannabis in saliva
Escrito por ucc+IWith just a few drops of saliva and in a few minutes the presence of THC can be detected thanks to a technique developed by the universities of Cordoba and Valencia, making it possible to accelerate the analysis process and to use very small samples
Additional taxes vs. water quotas. A study compares the most effective system to manage water consumption in agriculture
Escrito por UCC+iBased on a mathematical programming model, the study finds that the proportional allocation of water, and not additional taxes on the resource, is more effective from the point of view of those engaged in agriculture
A reduction in Iberian pork preservatives is achieved thanks to a yeast
Escrito por UCC+iIn the face of European regulations mandating salt and nitrite reductions in food, a team from the University of Cordoba has tested the potential of a yeast as a natural preservative in Iberian pork loin from the Pedroches Valley
From daytime irrigation to selling surplus energy: solutions to optimize the use of solar energy in irrigation communities
Escrito por UCCiHydraulics and Irrigation researchers present strategies for the use of energy in the Lower Guadalquivir Valley, which boasts the largest photovoltaic plant for self-provisioning
A study published in Global Ecology and Conservation shows that Covid-19 lockdowns had a positive impact on the quality of species' habitats